
NPO法人アジアの誇り・プレアビヒア日本協会 / Pride of Asia ; Preah Vihear Association Japan | HOME >> Join


  Admission fee Annual fee Membership conditions
Regular member
10,000Yen 10,000Yen Can participate in activities
Supporting member
Non More than 3,000yen per person Can support the activity
Supporting Member
Non More than 1,000yen per person Students who can support the activity
Supporting Member
(Company / Organization)
Non More than 30,000yen per Organizasion Can support the activity

Regular member(General / Group)
・Admission fee:10,000Yen
・Annual fee:10,000Yen
・Admission requirements: Who can participate in activities

Suporting Member(General / Company / Group)
・Admission Fee:Non
・Annual Fee:From 3,000 yen (general) : 30,000 yen (company / organization)
・Admission requirements:General / corporate / organizations who can support the activity

Supporting Member(Student)
・Admissin Fee:Non
・Annual Fee:>More than 1,000yen per person
・Admission requirements:Students who can support the activity(High school student, vocational school student, university student, graduate student)

* Annual membership fees are for the fiscal year (April 1 to March 31).
* Regular members must be approved by the president.

Membership benefits

(1) Dissemination of the latest information on Preah Vihear Temple in Cambodia's World Heritage Site
(2) Participation in committee activities, introduction of events, etc.
(3) Travel advice around Preah Vihear Temple in Cambodia

How to apply for membership

If you would like to join us, Member registration form (this web) Please apply here. If you apply by mail, please download the following PDF, fill it out, and send it to our association.
Click here for application form (PDF file)

Click here for the member registration form


Bank transfer


In case changes and withdrawals

Please contact to the secretariat. If you are a student member, please be sure to contact us when you graduate.

Application documents destination and inquiry

Meiji Shobo Building 2F, 2-4 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0062
NPO Pride of Asia : Preah Vihear Association Japan
TEL:03-5259-5070, FAX : 03-5259-507, Mobile:090-7171-9046

    PVAJ Members page
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