
NPO法人アジアの誇り・プレアビヒア日本協会 / Pride of Asia ; Preah Vihear Association Japan | HOME >> Visit

Would you like to participate in tree planting activities at the foot of a world heritage site? Would you like to participate in tree planting and seedling management activities during the dry season from November to December 2023 and from January to February 2024?

We welcome participants to our tree planting activities in 2023.
Would you like to plant trees in a world heritage area in Cambodia? After a few years, the planted tree will grow into a magnificent tree.
If you come to Simreap, we will guide you there.
Day 1: Transfer from Simreap to Eco Village (3 hours). In the afternoon, visit the site and interact with the farmers. I get a lot of energy from the children and farmers.
Day 2: Early in the morning, head to Preah Vihear, the temple in the sky, where you can stroll along the approach to the World Cultural Heritage site and receive an exorcism from a monk. A young monk will carefully pray for your health and happiness.
Afterwards, we descended the mountain and planted a commemorative tree at Eco Village Eco Park (in the morning). Please plant trees in the park together with farmers and elementary and junior high school students.
In the afternoon, move to Simreap. Those who wish can also visit the Koh Ker ruins.
You can climb to the top of the pyramid temple and look out over the Cambodian plains (jungle forest?).

★We are looking for on-site visits★ Call for on-site tree planting visits in 2023 (PDF)

Talk with local people
(Talk with local people)

Preah Vihear temple visit
(Preah Vihear temple visit)

Preah Vihear temple visit
(Preah Vihear temple visit)

Pyramid temple visit
(Pyramid temple visit)

Cambodian plains from the top of the pyramid temple
(Cambodian plains from the top of the pyramid temple)

For telephone: 03-5259-5070, mobile: 090-7171-9046
If there is an answering machine, please leave your contact information.

The PVAJ Secretariat will advise you on your visit to Preah Vihear.

Members of this association will give advice based on past experience, such as information on how to arrange air tickets, hotel accommodations, charter cars, and how to obtain a visa. If necessary, the members of the local organization (NGO Pride of Asia : Preah Vihear Asociation Japan Cambodia) are also available to help.
In case of telephone, 03-5259-5070, mobile phone: 090-7171-9046,
Please keep your contact information when you have an answering machine.

World Heritage Preah Vihear Temple Third Gate《 World Heritage Preah Vihear Temple Third Gate 》

Let's go to Preah Vihear
Currently, ANA has direct flights to Cambodia (regular flights) in Phnom Penh, but you can also go to Cambodia via Bangkok, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Incheon, and Singapore. The best recommendation is via Bangkok . It is common to fly to Siem Reap from Bangkok.

>Let's go to Preah Vihear

●Bangkok to Siem Reap  
About 1 hour by airplane (Siem Reap / town with the World Heritage Angkor Wat)
●Siem Reap to Preah Vihear
About 3 hours by car (Preah Vihear / town with world heritage and eco park)

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